First topic message reminder :
Floating Crates: To make floating crates, start with a balloon, then place a crate over it, then use the yellow nail on to it.
Hidden Floors:Just drag the object off the screen.
Swimming In Ground: Just make a ground, set it to dynamic ground and set it to 1 mass, if you want it to stay afloat make 2 red joints so it will not move about.
Cookie Floors:Just make a normal floor, then make a smaller chocolate floor on top of it. This is for appearance.
Lowest number of ground so the mice will die:470. This can be used for hidden gears and switches!
Not moving dynamic grounds:Set the ground to dynamic and then set the Linear Damping and Angular Damping to 30.
All the examples together: <C><P /><Z><S><S L="173" X="384" H="176" Y="137" T="0" P="1,1,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="347" X="664" H="373" Y="258" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="45" X="291" H="491" Y="265" T="0" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" /><S L="253" X="650" H="291" Y="237" T="4" P="0,0,20,0.2,0,0,0,0" /></S><D><DS X="557" Y="39" /></D><O><O P="0" X="339" C="11" Y="68" /><O P="0" X="428" C="11" Y="112" /><O P="0" X="148" C="28" Y="303" /><O P="0" X="54" C="28" Y="297" /><O P="0" X="221" C="28" Y="206" /><O P="0" X="55" C="2" Y="293" /><O P="0" X="150" C="2" Y="300" /><O P="0" X="221" C="2" Y="207" /><O P="0" X="218" C="22" Y="205" /><O P="0" X="150" C="22" Y="298" /><O P="0" X="54" C="22" Y="289" /></O></Z></C>